1. C.W.C. - President / Jodi Hunter
2. Hospitality Department -
3. Good Shepherd - President / Clementine Perry
4. Youth Department - President / Clementine Perry
Youth Choir
Sunshine Band
Assistants - / Debra Sykes
5. Usher Board - President / Shirley Ann Odom
Vice-President - Rowena Brown
Vice-President - Mary Payne
6. Deacon Board - Chairman / Norman P. Marshall
7. Missionary Board - President / Joyce Thomas
Vice President - Terry Mangrum
Vice President - Anita Hines
8. Mother's Board - President / Virginia Boyd
Vice President - Loyce Tucker
Vice President - Ladorothy Hunter
9. Music Department - President / Gary Walker
Vice Presidents / Coordinators - Jodi Hunter, Kenitra Wright
10. Street Witness Ministry- Director / Joyce A. Thomas
11. Women's Prison & Outreach Ministry - Director / Terry Mangrum
12. Ministers' Wives Circle - President / 1st Lady Debrah Wright
13. Sunday School Department - Superintendent / Lola Bo'ney
Sunday School Secretary - Toni Beasley
Assistant Superintendent - Anita Hines - East Memphis Location
14. Women's Choir - Coordinator / Jodi Hunter
15. Department of Education - Director / Janet Carter
16. Chief of Security / Mike Carlton
17. Public Relations Department - Directors / Anissa Tarver / Whitehaven Location
Anita Hines / East Memphis Location
18. New Membership Department - Coordinator / Terry Mangrum / Whitehaven
Anita Hines / East Memphis
19. Media Ministry- Director / Willie Douglass
20. Health Ministry- Director / Tina Ross
21. Singles Ministry- Danielle Smith
22. Buildings & Property Engineer / Norman P. Marshall